synthetic data

적은 리얼 데이터로
미역처럼 400배 불려내는
양질의 학습 데이터셋

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데이터 가용성 증가

+ 데이터 생성 속도 70% 향상: 합성 데이터는 실제 데이터를 수집하는 것보다 최대 70% 더 빠르게 생성할 수 있습니다.

+ 최대 50배 더 많은 데이터: 자율 주행과 같은 분야에서는 실제 데이터보다 최대 50배 많은 학습 데이터를 합성 데이터를 통해 생성할 수 있습니다.

개인정보 보호 및 보안 강화

+ 규정 준수: GDPR 및 HIPAA와 같은 개인정보 보호 규정을 완전히 준수할 수 있습니다.

+ 재식별 위험 90% 감소: 합성 데이터를 사용하면 데이터에서 개인을 재식별할 위험이 90% 감소합니다.

데이터 다양성 및 편향 감소

+ 모델 일반화 능력 30% 향상: 합성 데이터로 학습된 모델은 실제 데이터를 기반으로 한 모델보다 일반화 성능이 최대 30% 향상될 수 있습니다.

+ 편향 20% 감소: 균형 잡힌 합성 데이터는 편향을 최대 20% 줄여줍니다.

비용 및 시간 효율성

+ 비용 50% 절감: 대규모 데이터 수집 및 라벨링에 드는 비용을 최대 50% 절감할 수 있습니다.

+ 훈련 속도 60% 향상: 모델 개발 주기를 최대 60% 단축시켜, AI 솔루션의 시장 출시 시간을 앞당깁니다.

Our Work

현실보다 더 진짜같은
현실을 재창조 합니다
시간과 공간을 초월한
새로운 현실을 펼칩니다

Image of a  blurred image of a man wearing a white shirt, creating an abstract and indistinct visual effect.Image of a woman wearing a yellow skirt and jacket stands confidently in front of a circular door, showcasing her vibrant style.Image of a  woman with braided hair adorned with various piercings, showcasing a unique and stylish appearance.Image of a collection of colorful balloons in various sizes arranged together, showcasing a vibrant assortment of hues and shapes.
Image of a  blurred image of a man wearing a white shirt, creating an abstract and indistinct visual effect.Image of a woman wearing a yellow skirt and jacket stands confidently in front of a circular door, showcasing her vibrant style.Image of a  woman with braided hair adorned with various piercings, showcasing a unique and stylish appearance.Image of a collection of colorful balloons in various sizes arranged together, showcasing a vibrant assortment of hues and shapes.
Image of a  blurred image of a man wearing a white shirt, creating an abstract and indistinct visual effect.Image of a woman wearing a yellow skirt and jacket stands confidently in front of a circular door, showcasing her vibrant style.Image of a  woman with braided hair adorned with various piercings, showcasing a unique and stylish appearance.Image of a collection of colorful balloons in various sizes arranged together, showcasing a vibrant assortment of hues and shapes.
Image of a man with freckles on his face, smiling warmly, showcasing his unique featuresImage of a collection of various objects arranged together, showcasing diversity in shapes, colors, and sizes.
Image of a man with freckles on his face, smiling warmly, showcasing his unique featuresImage of a collection of various objects arranged together, showcasing diversity in shapes, colors, and sizes.
Image of a man with freckles on his face, smiling warmly, showcasing his unique featuresImage of a collection of various objects arranged together, showcasing diversity in shapes, colors, and sizes.

고객 너머
최종 사용자를 위해
고민하고 만듭니다

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3D 레이어 디자인

Signature logo

주문제작 3D 컨피규레이터 / 시뮬레이터

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부동산 설계-분양 / 옥외광고(OOH) 시뮬레이터

Zoom icon

데이터 가공 / AI 학습용 합성데이터 생성

Words of love

Helping brands achieve their goals and make a change.

Photo of reviewer.
Christian Fennesz
Chief Design Officer

"We approached Lunar with a challenging concept, and they delivered beyond our wildest dreams.

Photo of reviewer.
David Sylvian

"From the initial concept to final product, Lunar's team was a pleasure to work with. They were responsive and collaborative"

Photo of reviewer.
Fayka Sabry
Design Director

"If you're looking for a design studio that delivers quality and creativity in equal measure, look no further than Lunar. They're simply outstanding!"

Photo of reviewer.
Pakinam Ahmed
Marketing Manager

"Lunar took the time to understand our brand and audience, resulting in designs that perfectly captured our identity. We couldn't be happier"

Photo of reviewer.
Sarah Conor
Creative Director

"Lunar exceeded our expectations with their innovative designs. They truly have a gift for bringing ideas to life!"

Photo of reviewer.
Bruce Lee

"Working with Lunar was a dream come true! Their team's creativity knows no bounds, and they turned our vision into a stunning reality."


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